What To Do After Getting Hit By A Drunk Driver

You enjoy driving your children to school every morning. It’s one of the only times they are away from their TVs, laptops, and phones, and it gives you a chance to catch up on their lives at school and home. Not that you want to hear about who tweeted what and who looked bad in a picture of Facebook, but you get the idea.car crash hit by drunk driverYour candid conversation, however, came to an abrupt finish when a truck ran through a red light at the intersection of Cicero Avenue and Madison Street and “T-boned” your vehicle—meaning the truck’s front end smashed into the side of your van. The force of the collision caused your van to spin around several times before it finally stopped.

What You Do Now Can Greatly Affect Your Situation

Your first instinct is to get out of the vehicle and make sure everyone is okay. After you do that, you should take action to ensure that you don’t get a raw deal out of the situation.

  • Call the police. As soon as you are able to, get out the phone and call 911, particularly if you suspect the driver of the offending vehicle is intoxicated. An officer will come to inspect the accident scene, take pictures and notes, and deal with the driver. This means administering field sobriety tests, breath machine tests, and taking him to jail, if need be.
  • Go to the hospital. You may feel fine now and your kids might insist they are unharmed, but it’s extremely important to be examined by a trained medical expert right away. You may have injuries that won’t reveal themselves until a few days down the road, and if you deny an examination, you may hurt your chances of receiving compensation for the accident further down the road.

Prepare to Take Legal Action

The third step after getting hit by a drunk driver is to contact an experienced attorney. The legal professionals of Wayne Wright LLP want to fight for you and help you get the compensation you deserve.

We will come and visit you at the hospital, in your home, or wherever is best for you. We are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and we get paid only if you win. Contact us today at 210-888-8888 to speak with an attorney about your situation and get started moving on with your life.

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