San Antonio Work Injury Lawyers

Wayne Wright Injury Lawyers

You Don’t Have to Fight Alone…

If you were injured on the Job and Need To Speak With a Work Injury Lawyer About Your Case Contact Us Today.

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At The Wayne Wright Law Firm, we are devoted to helping Texas workers who have been wronged. Our work injury lawyers have extensive knowledge and experience in litigating, trying, and arbitrating civil work injury and termination cases. Our team has years of experience and practice in civil litigation of all types. Call (210) 934-3748 today to schedule your free consultation. If you need more information, please visit our contact us page.

We handle the following types of cases:

Non-Subscriber Work Injuries

Many major Texas employers choose to opt out of the Texas workers’ compensation system, becoming what we know as a “non-subscriber.”  Texas employers are not legally required or obligated to provide medical care to employees who sustain work injuries if they are non-subscribers. Instead, injured employees have the right to sue in court for damages resulting from work injuries that were the result of their employers’ negligence. If you have been injured at work and do not know whether or not your employer subscribes to the workers’ compensation system in Texas, call our work injury lawyers for a free consultation.

Call us, we can help: (210) 934-3748

Third Party Work Injuries

There are times when an employee gets injured on the job due to the negligence of some other party that is neither the employee (first party) nor the employer (second party). A claim can usually be brought against the third party for its negligence. These cases often occur from construction worksite accidents and oilfield injuries. For example, if a bricklayer comes onto a construction site and suffers an electrocution due to the negligence of the electrical contractors, he may receive workers’ compensation benefits from his employer that are not enough to fully compensate him for his injuries. He may still be able to pursue a third party work injury claim against the electrical contractors for their negligence that caused his injuries. To learn more about third party work injury cases,

Call our work injury lawyers, we can help: (210) 934-3748

Employers with Workers’ Compensation Insurance

In cases in which employees are injured on the job and their employers have workers’ compensation insurance, injured employees do not have the right to sue in Texas courts for their injuries. Instead, they must pursue benefits through their employers’ workers’ compensation insurance, which is regulated through the State of Texas. Dealing with the workers’ compensation system and adjusters can be difficult and dangerous without the assistance of a work injury lawyer to protect your rights and benefits. If you have been injured and need to pursue workers’ compensation benefits, you should act proactively to ensure you receive the benefits you are entitled to but which the insurance companies will fight to keep.

Call us, we can help: (210) 934-3748

Workers’ Compensation Retaliation Claims

Although Texas is an “at-will” employment state, meaning that both the employer and the employee may terminate the employment relationship at any time, for good reason, bad reason, or no reason at all, Section 451 of the Texas Labor Code states that it is illegal for an employer to discriminate/retaliate against an employee for filing a workers’ compensation claim in good faith. If you have been fired soon after filing a workers’ compensation claim or getting injured on the job, contact our office so that we may investigate your potential claims.  We can help you fight for workers’ compensation benefits and pursue an unlawful termination claim at the same time.

Call us, we can help: (210) 934-3748

Employment Discrimination & Retaliation

State and federal laws prohibit employers from discriminating against employees on the basis of their race, national origin, gender, age, disability, or religion.  Laws also prohibit employers from retaliating against employees who oppose discriminatory conduct in the workplace.  If you have been terminated from your job and believe it was for a discriminatory or retaliatory reason, you may be able to bring a claim against your employer under state or federal law, but, the laws require action to be taken within six months.  Contact our team of work injury lawyers to protect your rights and determine whether you may have a valid discrimination or retaliation claim. Call us lawyers, we can help: (210) 934-3748






Work Injury Lawyer San Antonio

Injured On The Job and Need To Speak With A Qualified Work Injury Lawyer, We FIght For Your Workers Rights

– The Wayne Wright Law Firm, PLLC

Award Winning Legal Team

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