What should I do if someone I love died after falling in the hospital?

Injuries from hospital falls are not only traumatic, they are unfortunately common. Hundreds of thousands of patients fall while under hospital care every year, causing broken bones, cuts, bruises, and even internal bleeding. Patients over the age of 60 are particularly at risk of falling, and are more likely to die as a result of a hospital fall.Since falls are commonly due to entirely preventable causes, hospitals can be held accountable for negligence after a serious fall. Here are just a few ways patients have suffered injuries in the past:

  • The patient pushed the call button, but there was no response, so the patient fell attempting to get out of bed on his own
  • The patient was not given non-slip socks or slippers
  • The bed call button was disconnected or not working properly
  • The patient needs to use the bathroom, and falls because he cannot wait for help getting out of bed
  • The patient has been heavily medicated and does not realize his mental and physical abilities have been affected
  • The patient trips on clothing, shoes, furniture, or other items in the room
  • The patient fell because the room was not properly lit
  • Wet floors from mops or bodily waste resulted in a fall
  • Patients with canes and walkers were not given their assistive devices to use while staying in the hospital
  • Patients who were known falling risks did not have extra precautions in place, such as special room designations, video surveillance, a sitter, or closer placement to a nurses’ station

Why it Is Important to Have the Details Investigated

Even if your loved one was elderly or severely ill, it is always a good idea to see if the hospital could have played a role in a family member’s death. At Wayne Wright LLP, we can fully investigate the legal and medical circumstances after a death in the family, getting you the justice and compensation you deserve—while giving you the time you need to grieve. Call us today at 210-888-8888 to get your questions answered in your free case evaluation.

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