Train Accidents: What to Do If You’re Hit on the Tracks; Representation for Train Accident Victims
As a victim of a train accident, the advice and help of an attorney may be crucial to your recovery. Our attorneys in Austin, Corpus Christi, El Paso, Houston and San Antonio will assess your case and help you pursue fair compensation for injuries and damages.
Types of Train Accidents
Thousands of train accidents occur every year in the United States. Train accidents are most often the result of a collision between a train and an automobile, a pedestrian or another train. Other common types of train accidents involve derailment, a railroad crossing problem or mechanical failure of the train. If you have suffered injuries as a result of a train accident, contact Wayne Wright LLP to talk to an experienced San Antonio personal injury attorney. He or she will carefully review your case to determine if compensation might be available for your physical and psychological suffering, medical expenses, lost wages and diminution in lifestyle.
Tragic Results of Train Accidents
A train accident may result in bodily injuries, fatalities and environmental damage. Negligence on the part of a railroad company or its employees is often the cause of a train accident. Derailments of trains carrying hazardous materials may cause injuries, death or environmental damages. If your loved one has been killed in a train accident, please contact a skilled San Antonio wrongful death lawyer at Wayne Wright LLP. They will thoroughly discuss your case to recommend the most appropriate course of action.
The Main Contributor: Human Error
Human error accounts for 38 percent of all train accidents in the United States for the years 2001–2005, making it the biggest single factor in train accidents. Human error results in lives lost and millions of dollars in damages.
Retain legal counsel soon after your accident. The attorneys at Wayne Wright LLP assist victims in their pursuit of financial compensation from railroad companies or the negligent party at fault.
Compensation for Train Accident Victims
Contact Wayne Wright LLP if you’ve been involved in an accident as a train passenger, auto driver or passenger, pedestrian, railroad worker or bystander. Our attorneys have experience assisting train accident victims. You have the right under federal law to seek monetary compensation from those at fault for the accident. Our attorneys are committed to upholding your legal rights, and recovering the damages you’ve suffered. Speak with our attorneys in Austin, Corpus Christi, El Paso, Houston and San Antonio about your case.