Getting Help After Gardasil Caused You and Your Family Pain

This drug intended to prevent cervical cancer in women has instead led to fainting, blood clots, miscarriages, paralysis, Bells Palsy, Guillain-Barre Syndrome, seizures and even death.

What is Gardasil®?

In the past few years, Merck™, has aggressively marketed its Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine — Gardasil®, encouraging American families to have their young daughters vaccinated, for a lifelong protection against cervical cancer.

Gardasil®, is a vaccine administered as three injections over a period of few weeks. It essentially works on the immune system — triggering it to formulate antibodies that can fight the HPV virus. While there are several strains of the HPV, and Gardasil® does not fight all of them, it offers protection against four of the key strains which cause almost 70% of the cases of cervical cancer.

Merck™ received the FDA’s approval for Gardasil® in June 2006. While seeking approval Merck™ had stated that, results from clinical trials with Gardasil® proved it as being 90-100% effective in preventing the transmission of some of the critical HPV strains that are directly linked to cervical cancer.

Following approval, Merck™ had even claimed that Gardasil® could potentially eliminate most cervical cancers, and actively lobbied with varied state health authorities, for mandatory vaccination of young girls. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) had also recommended that Gardasil® would be beneficial for young girls between the ages of 11 and 12. So far, it is estimated that over 8 million women have been administered the vaccination.

The intense lobbying and aggressive promotion of Gardasil® brought in significant financial results for Merck™. Analysts indicate that in its first year in the market, Gardasil® could have brought in as much as $1.4 billion into Merck’s coffers.

Gardasil® Side Effects

Recent investigations indicate that Gardasil® — once touted as a practically side effect free vaccine by Merck™, could actually bring in some serious side effects including miscarriages, blood clots and even death. Investigations also reveal that the FDA may have erred in its approval for Gardasil®, and may not have scrutinized the results from Gardasil’s clinical trials sufficiently.

The varied reports on Gardasil® side effects include fainting, blood clots, miscarriages, paralysis, Bells Palsy, Guillain-Barre Syndrome, seizures and even death. Presently, over 3,400 cases of adverse reactions and as many as 8 deaths are being attributed to Gardasil®.

Pregnant women, in particular, may stand a greater risk of being impacted by Gardasil®. Studies reveal that in half of the cases of pregnant women, fetal abnormalities including serious reactions such as spontaneous abortion were reported, following Gardasil® treatment.

FDA’s stance on Gardasil®

Despite the varied negative reports available on side effects of Gardasil®, FDA has not initiated any official investigation on the vaccine. On its website, the FDA maintains its stance on Gardasil®, as being a safe treatment.

“Based on the review of available information by FDA and CDC, Gardasil® continues to be safe and effective, and its benefits continue to outweigh its risks. CDC has not changed its recommendations for use of Gardasil®. FDA has not made any changes to the prescribing information for how the vaccine is used. In addition, FDA routinely reviews manufacturing information, and has not identified any issues affecting the safety, purity and potency of Gardasil®.”

Further, the FDA also continues to encourage the use of Gardasil® and states, “…FDA and CDC continue to find that Gardasil® is a safe and effective vaccine that will potentially benefit the health of millions of women by providing protection against the types of HPV in the vaccine that cause cervical, vulvar and vaginal cancer, genital warts, and other HPV-related genital diseases in females.” But the numbers show this to be wrong! Women are being injured every day from this dangerous drug!

Gardasil Lawsuit Attorney

If you or any of the women in your family have been affected by Gardasil®, and are looking for help and advice with filing a Gardasil side effects lawsuit, do not hesitate to contact our Gardasil attorneys today.

Our experienced San Antonio Gardasil lawyers bring years of expertise in prescription drug cases, offering well-researched and professional advice to help process your Gardasil lawsuit claim. Your claim will be given the utmost attention by our lawyers to protect and assert your legal rights as a consumer.

Call us today for a free consultation about your Gardasil case.

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