Patients Join Mass Lawsuit Following Voluntary Stryker Hip Recall
In 2012, hip implant manufacturer Stryker Corp. voluntarily recalled its Rejuvenate Modular and ABG II modular-neck hip stems due to increased patient injury reports. The company has set aside several billion dollars to compensate victims who suffered early device failure, and a growing number of patients who suffered serious injuries from the device are gathering together to take legal action.Shortly before the recall was announced, Stryker released an Urgent Field Safety Notice regarding problems with the Rejuvenate and ABG II devices. Stryker’s own post-market data showed an increase in Adverse Local Tissue Reaction (ALTR), or health complications caused by tissue inflammation at the implant site.The root of the problem with the Rejuvenate and ABG II are the components where the neck meets the stem. Both of the joint components are metal—including chromium, cobalt, and titanium—and as these parts grind together in the joint, they can release metallic fragments into the body.
According to the company’s notice, these metal-on-metal hip devices pose many hazards to patients, including:
- Debris. Small particles of metal can flake off into the surrounding tissue, leading to health problems and bone loss (osteolysis) that can make further revision surgery more difficult and painful.
- Metallosis. The release of metal ions into the body can cause metal poisoning (metallosis), bone and tissue death (necrosis), and immunological problems.
- Allergic reactions. Patients who have metal allergies or sensitivities may have severe reactions to particles released into the bloodstream.
- Systemic problems. The full health effects of a release of metal ions in the body is not known, but health advocates warn that excessive toxic metal exposure (especially to cobalt) may lead to neurological problems, heart conditions, and organ failure in the spleen, liver, and kidneys.
How Patients Can Join the Stryker Hip Recall Lawsuit
If you received a Stryker Rejuvenate or ABG II hip implant device, you can still receive a settlement after the voluntary recall. However, the time to file a claim is limited, so you should take action as soon as possible to protect your case. Call the hip recall attorneys at Wayne Wright today at 210-888-8888 for a free legal assessment.