As Thanksgiving approaches,
The team at Wayne Wright is taking the time to reflect on what we are thankful for this year. There is so much to be thankful for this year, as many people are looking forward to seeing their friends and family this year for possibly the first time in a year.
Spending time with friends and family
We are thankful for the ability to spend time with our friends and family. We consider all of you a part of our family and we are thankful we got to talk with some of you at our pumpkin pie giveaway last week.
Great food
Great food is one of the highlights of Thanksgiving, and we are so thankful and excited that we get to have a great meal with friends and family on Thanksgiving. Especially since many of us didn’t see our friends and family last year. We are thankful for passing recipes down from generation to generation and discovering new recipes to start new traditions.
Our pets
Our pets are often considered a member of the family, and we are so thankful for them and all they have done for us. We are also thankful that we are able to spend this holiday with our pets because they don’t live as long as we do, so each holiday is a treat for them.
Giving back
Giving back to the community is our favorite way to say thank you to our community, and it is an important part of Wayne Wright, and we are thankful for the opportunity to give back to the community that supports us.
All of you!
We are so thankful for all of you! We wouldn’t be where we are without you and your support, and we are always happy to hold events where we can talk with you and learn more about you. From meeting you at our events to meeting you at UTSA games we are always grateful when we get to thank you for all of your support.
The forecast this Thanksgiving shows that it will be cold and rainy, and with the holiday traffic this week it is important to be extra careful while on the road. Being aware of the other drivers on the road and leaving a safe distance between everyone will allow for a Thanksgiving where everyone gets to their destination safely.