
What Options Are Available to Victims of the Fentanyl Patch Recall?What is Fentanyl patch?Fentanyl is a powerful opiate that works by blocking the pain receptors in the brain. Designed originally to treat chronic pain patients in a pill form, the drug was later sold...

Ortho Evra® patch

How the Ortho Evra Patch Could Hurt You If you or a loved one has suffered an injury or death as a result of using Ortho Evra patch side effects, it is time to seek compensation for your pain and suffering through an Ortha Evra Patch Side Effects Lawsuit. Please CALL...

Paxil® (Paroxetine HCI)

Alarms are sounding over some prescription drugs for kidsWarnings about the drugs are disturbing.  Parents and caretakers should exercise extreme caution when Tramadol, Paxil or Risperdal are recommended for their children.  The popular medications have serious side...